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STE and John Zink have officially entered into cooperation!

Since contacting John Zink through the Google Bridge in February last year, STE, with years of experience in the manufacture of combustion skids, familiarity with international manufacturing standards and a good safety and quality control system, has finally received customer approval to become a qualified supplier to John Zink and has recently successfully taken over the manufacture of two sets of combustion skids.

John Zink is a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries, the largest privately held company in the United States, headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is the world’s leading high-tech combustion technology company, providing mission control and clean air systems for the world’s most demanding industries – from hydrocarbon and chemical processing to biofuels, automotive, food processing, pulp and paper, and more.

STE has now added another gem to its customer list. As the relationship with John Zink continues to deepen, STE is confident that John Zink will become a valued partner and one of STE’s top customers.

Post time: 10-16-2020